Pcom output Lab

This is a simple music instrument, basing on the Arduino with an Ultrasonic range sensor and a small 5 Ohms speaker.

Speaker Sonic

The setup of the board is simple, two different circuits: Range sensor has 3 pins (power, ground, output), Speaker has 2 (power and ground).

Setup tone

Expecting the sensor to read an analog signal that would need to be interpreted to a digital one, the first setup was different the the picture, apparently, this sensor (SKU 2760342) is smarter then that and is giving a digital read which is useable directly with the Arduino. This required a few adjustments to the code given. In addition, the Ultrasonic Range Sensor is using a library and comes with a code that defines te sensor in a class “Ultrasonic”. It was interesting to see a subject from processing applied on the Arduino.

serial monitor   Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 1.09.13 PM

The code gives the possibility to have output in inches or Centimeters and it prints out in the Serial Monitor.

At this point we have a tone sound that is coming out of the speaker (separate circuit). Building the “instrument” from a piece of wood and a board of carton and a long page that have lines to indicate where to stop and a serial of prewritten numbers for a song.


In the video below there is an attempt of playing Beethoven’s “Fur Elise” famous classic and “Marry had a little lamb” using our new instrument and basing on the lines on the page.

Tone Lab 1 from Oryan Inbar on Vimeo.

(1) Comment Write a comment

  1. Very fun, and impressive implementation of the ultrasonic sensor. The video was rather hard to hear– I’d suggest recording in a quiet room next time.

    The paper notations you made to play Fur Elise and Mary Had a Little Lamb are compelling visuals in and of themselves– an interesting idea for an expanded project!


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