Void final

void final1This project was made in collaboration with Jordan Backhus and Sergio Mora. Started as a study about physical movement translated into graphics, “Void” is an interactive art installation that manipulates light and physical space through the use of screens, computer-generated images, and sensors that creates a 3D experience. The installation serves to provide an ethereal and experiential interaction arena, in which the installation directly responds visually to the proximities and movements of its user(s). We too often forget the profundity of simplicity. The installation was made in an effort to stimulate emotional complexity and to offer an interactive, uncomplicated user experience through visual simplicity.


void final in useThe installation is an experience through exploration; the user is invited to enter the space created between 32 scrims creating in a triangle shape. At different distances from the front scrim, the projection changes. The first sketch is a slow movement of light spots coming toward the user. The second faze is “constellations” created between those lights plus movement is now faster. Third faze- the stars move slower still with constellations, forth and final stage is very slow moving stars. The installation hopes to engage the user from each and every angle. The arena is built in a way that doesnt invite to penetrate through the scrims but if a user does- there is a different interaction (a fifth stage) that will occur.
Void Hand & ladder

The installation is suggested as a single-user experience on a medium scale or a multi-user experience on a large scale. It is made with the use of Processing, a kinect, and 32 suspended tulles. The arrangement of the tulles gives the visuals the appearance of three-dimensionality in physical space to create a provocative effect. We have developed a small-scale version for a one user experience. Either/or can be implemented for the Winter Show.

Void short from Oryan Inbar on Vimeo.

VOID: An Interactive Art Installation from Sergio Mora-Díaz on Vimeo.

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  1. Pingback: Proximity sensors research | Oryan Inbar

  2. Pingback: Project One – Precedents and Examples – Quan Nen and Shannon, a "Saw" in Regardless

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