Stop-motion Storyboard

Harold the creature posing

Harold the creature posing

Our story occurs in a somewhat dirty, industrial, multi texture environment (imagine down the NYC subway rails). This is the story of Harold, a cloudy creature who discovers a new place with many friends to eat. After the first encounter we discover eating the creatures he meets changes him and he likes it so much, to a point of greediness or gluttony.


Breaking storyboard into steps:

1 – Wide angle, getting context where we are, Harold appears in the frame timidly

2 – Puddle reflection (foil paper) checking out himself. touching pinching etc >> wants to make a change?

3a – Starting to walk around (viewer see stage design for the next few frames)

3b – Meeting a new creature, checking each other out sniffing like dogs >> friendship? love ?

4 – Sudden change of story Harold eats his new friend

4a – A change in Harold assumes victims character

5 & 6 – Recurring scenes: eating more victims focus on the way they get eaten (fear of victims shaking) and the change reflected in Harold (zoom

7 – Last faze of change (Harold very big center and main in frame)

8 – Harold EXPLODES to many pieces

9 – Surprise… (horror movie)


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