iMaterial – ICM finals

A program that helps you understand materials

This is a program made in processing. The idea behind this app was to explain materials graphically to an inexperienced user.

User + Context

  • This is a program for makers. People with no more then basic knowledge of materials.
  • Made to explain materials properties in a graphic way.
  • Many people do not know much about materials yet find the need of using materials.
  • Working on a project there is a time when one needs to decide which material to use.
  • Educational program.
  • Materials knowledge is more profound the iMaterial.

Dividing materials categories to families: Wood Metal Plastic Ceramic

mat simplified


Creating simple tool icons that clings to users cursor when clicked

tool description

Simple and clean work environment to try all materials and tools

work environment


// = 532) {
fallback = false;

var slashIndex = window.location.href.lastIndexOf(“/”);
var cropped = window.location.href.slice(0,slashIndex+1);

if (fallback) {
window.location.replace( cropped + “assets/fallback/index.html” );
else {
window.location.replace( cropped + “assets/player/KeynoteDHTMLPlayer.html” );
var slashIndex = window.location.href.lastIndexOf(“/”);
var cropped = window.location.href.slice(0,slashIndex+1);

window.location.replace(cropped + “assets/player/KeynoteDHTMLPlayer.html”);

// ]]>

A step forward is planned to be adding more valuable information/specifications that could be used immediatly such as stores (around ITP) where one can purchace a specific material seen in the program. Pushing even more would be allowing users to insert their own input such as: this store is cheaper or this is the best place to buy this…

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