Conversation & Computation first week

favorite conversation I chose are 2. The nodding of Captain Kirk and Dr Mcoy from Star-trek, and the conversation the humans are having with the aliens in “Close encounters of third kind”



Second assingment: A conversation pretending to be someone else

I called my mom on the house land line phone in Israel (no caller ID system).

Background: When I was a teenager I played with an idea of having a voicing and dubbing career (like cartoons). Probably somewhat influenced by my mom being a theater person. I used to play with voices and try and reach a completely different voice of my own.
Choosing my mom for this makes it much harder since she knows my voice very well.

Calling mom

Using as deeper voice as I can make. ringing….

My mom: Hello?

Me: Hi Rachel! (faking a slightly exited tacky tone)

She obviously falls for it.

My mom: Yesss?

You can hear the confusion in her voice: a long “yesss” with a higher ending tone of a question. Im assuming people who call you on a your house phone are people you know. Although she doesn’t recognize who it is, she is yet to ask who’s talking to her. Maybe out of politeness.

Me: How are you Rachel? This is Shmuel! (in a more excited voice)

At this point Im not giving more information letting her feel that it is expected from her to recognize this Shmuel person…

My mom: Hi Shmuel..

She is trying to stall.. This is her way of saying: I still don’t know who you are but Im still being nice because it appears that you know me.

Also she’s leaving the ball in the callers side, and now he is expected to talk. That will make Shmuel talk more so she could have more information or identify the voice.

Me: Well, how’s it going? Its been a long time… 

This is clearly stating she is suppose to know this person who is calling but it confuses her even more.

My mom: Im good, good… Im sorry – Shmuel what?

Now she’s declaring “I do not remember who you are – I am sorry if it offends you”.

Me: Shmuel Flintstones! (switching back to my regular voice) C’mon mom its your son, yet again with a new voice. haha..

My mom: Oy Oryani you make these impressions so well. 

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