Thoughts about the final project
There are a few directions where the finals project may go to. Iv been thinking about taking foreword the midterm project, perfecting the interaction side of it but maybe making it interact differently to the user by either changing the technology (the sensor or how the environment reacts when being triggered) or changing the actions that trigger the environment to change. The sensor would be different then the ultrasonic range since I find it not appropriate for the detection of direction of movement due to its over accuracy and sensitivity. Other sensor that might work better in a more contains surrounding is the IR sensor that basically will do the same thing but hopefully better (need to make sure the projector’s lighting would not affect it).Another way of approaching the sensor problem is using a completely different one that would require other changes to the actual behavior inside the created environment. One direction is using a stretch sensor and having it connected to the user. In order to do that in a more natural way, I’m thinking of a swing, or a hammock, or a way to have the user hang in a superman position and allow movement back and forth. In this scenario it is possible to add other axis of movement that would reflect in the processing program such as tilt, hand gestures etc. also sound should be integrated as a reflection of movement and not only background sound as it was in the midterm.
One other direction is a interactive trampoline. The direction of this one is instead of a projection the actual fabric will illuminate perhaps using OLED and conductive wires. Iv been wanting to use OLED a lot of tine and the actual research of it would be very interesting. I would also go deeper into new ways to illuminate, especially fabric. If that could be integrated with sensors, it could become wearable, then it could reflect even feelings! (say it would connect to pulse reader for example).
These areas seem very interesting for me to research. I would try and create a group of 3 people as I feel a few minds can produce a much more interesting project. Naturally my midterm partner is my first choice.
Thanks Oryan, I do hope you find collaborators to explore such interesting questions of perception. For the playtest you ran today, I’m curious as to whether your project may go in a much more tactile-oriented direction that your midterm, which by necessity was very visual. It will be a challenge to reconstitute pre-existing notions around machines of fitness and action (i.e. trampoline, swing, yoga ball) in a way in which users reconstruct their preconceived notions around these objects. I’ll write more notes on your playtest when you post your playtest questions.