At a time where digital viruses directly influence our biologic system, a disease known as White Rabbit infects thousands of people. The disease is related to a lose of connection to what is known as clock time. While another person’s perception of time cannot be directly experienced, it can be objectively studied and inferred through a number of scientific experiments. The sense of time is subjective yet fundamental to our conception of reality.
While a non infected subject may feel in some situations how time is “moving so slowly”, meanwhile clock time continues consistently with fixed intervals, for an infected subject what is described as clock time dose not exist, but only the “feels like” perception exist.
White Rabbit symptoms may include:
- Miss mach between chronologic events in ones memory (effects digital “cloud”memory directly).
- Lose of time (literarily).
- Time offset.
- Time gaps that cannot be explained in ones memory.
- A strong feeling time is sleeping away (Liquidation of time).
White Rabbit is contagious through interaction that has to do with time. When people try to set a specific time for something together it emerges.
The disease believed to have started in New York City, a place where people abuse their perception of time.
So far no cure has been found for the phenomenon but a relieving treatment has established. Experiencing speed appears to reduce the symptoms dramatically. The treatment consist of having the subject in a fast moving object that functions like a roller coaster. This causes the release of Chronoglizirinom (TM) in the subjects brain which stops the over activity of the areas of the brain that handle time perception. There is also research around virtual simulations of that same effect.